Monthly Archives: June 2013

Tower of Praise

One of the neat things about this past week’s VBS Kingdom Rock at our church on Clarks Mills was a tower of praise!

Each day the kids were asked if they had a “God Sighting” in the past day… Noticing God’s working behind the scenes in their life or thanking God for something or someone. If so, they wrote it (the God sighting or the praise) on a ‘tower block’ and it was glued in overnight. Here’s the tower on Friday:

A Tower of Praise from Clarks Mills' 2013 VBS: Kingdom Rock

A Tower of Praise from Clarks Mills’ 2013 VBS: Kingdom Rock

My son, came to me proud as a peacock and had to show me two of the praise blocks that he had added (one for me and one for his mom, my wife, who was music leader of VBS).


That boy just blesses my heart!

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Filed under Church Leadership, VBS