Monthly Archives: July 2014

Good Morning Lord!

BK Secular Franciscan CompanionOver the past few years, I have read and studied St. Augustine. I would read, stop and pray, think and process, and then, sometimes a week or a month later, I returned to tackle the next section.  Finally, this Spring I finished his Confessions. Some day I will return to Augustine, but have moved on to St. Francis of Assisi for a while.

I expect to be with Francis for the remainder of this year and at least the Spring of next year, so I’ll be sharing thoughts, insights, and such as I go along.

St. Francis (eventually) founded three separate groups: the Franciscan Friars (Order of Friars Minor or O.F.M.), the Order of Poor Ladies with St. Clare (also known as Poor Clares) and the Secular Franciscans. The friars were men who devoted themselves to following Jesus Christ in the same way as St. Francis. They gave up all their worldly possessions and either worked for their food and lodging or begged. The Poor Clares were women who followed similar practices as the friars but led by Francis’ first female follower, Clare of Assisi. The Secular Franciscans was a group of men and women who were out in the world doing everything regular people did (and do), but tried to incorporate many of the principles of discipleship that Francis espoused into their own lives.

Yesterday I started to read the prayer book put out by the Secular Franciscans entitles Secular Franciscan Companion and stumbled across a “Franciscan Morning Prayer” that I want to share:

Jesus Lord, I offer you

this new day because

I believe in you, love you,

hope all things in you

and thank you for

your blessings.

I am sorry for having

offended you and

forgive everyone who

has offended me.

Lord, look on me and

leave in me

peace and courage

and your humble wisdom

that I may serve others

with joy, and be

pleasing to you all day.

-- Habig, Marion A., ed. Secular Franciscan Companion (Franciscan Media: Cincinnati, Ohio) 1987, page 30.

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